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Topic: Schools I have had good experience with

Report Abuse Total Immersion. Choice of number of lesson hours per day.
Excellent resources including internet access. Library with books, audio & video CDs & DVDs.
Choice of lodgings and meals including staying with a family.
The Administration goes out of their way to be helpful as do the families.
The quality of the teaching, in my experience (France,Italy,Spain),has been excellent.
They have English learning schools as well, which are located in English speaking locations.
In addition, you are in the country and perhaps living with a local family speaking the language. It really is an immersion.
Excursions are extra unless it is included in one of the classes. Again, they have been well run.
Students in my classes have ranged from 20 years old to 70 years old and have come from all over the world.
Check out their website and feel free to ask me in this forum.
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