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Earliest is first. (Reverse)
Denton, US
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I am studying new words these days.
Firstly, I read several pessages ,then do the following exercises, then pick out the new words, look them up in the dictionary and remember them,then read the passages again(read them out loudly),and reveiw the exercises which were not exellent .
I find it very functional to remember and comprehend the new words. by contraries, just reciting the words in the vocabulary book is dull and boring work , and you are not likely to use the words felicitously....
What is your method? Is there some good for us?
Shanghai, CN
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True, looking up words in a dictionary over and over while you are reading is helpful. With this website though try this method:

1- Enter a new word into WB as you are reading (or watching a movie).
2- When you are done reading, go over your new list of words and give each a 'Memory Method' to help you remember the word (or look up other peoples' methods).
3- Test yourself using the WordBuddy Flashcard quiz. It will only give you words that you have trouble remembering.
4- Read the section again.

Hopefully the Memory Methods and the Flashcard quiz will make learning not so dull :)
shanghai, CN
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I really hope there will be " quiz by spelling'' in Quiz page. it will help me a lot.
Shanghai, CN
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I think that what you want, 'quiz by spelling', is already there. Just select the option: Word --> Pronunciation & Definition. 'Word' is the same thing as spelling.
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I'm a high school student.My parents always force me to recite english words,but i think that's no use to recite words only.The most important thing is how to use.And if we do not use words.We'll forget them all immediately.
Shanghai, CN
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That's right!
reciting sentences and passages do much more favor to your english
Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
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Listen ... I have a problem finding the other people's learning methods.

When I am not logged in I see it on the right side - one character explained. But even when I login in I do not know how to get to that tip.

Let's say I want to find a mneumonic for 練習 ... so what should I do? Where to search for it?

Thanks a lot
Shanghai, CN
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Hi Firebat-
When you are logged in, it seems that your "Study Language" is English. Click on the top "I am studying" (change), and switch to Chinese. Then look up words in the dictionary. You may have to click on the word when it comes up and "View all Details".
Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
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Thanks for help. My problem was that my studying language was Chinese-Traditional and not Chinese-Simplified.

But ... I am interested in rather traditional characters and when it is switched to that I do not see the memorization techniques pertaining to simplified even when the character is the same. So I guess there are sort of 2 databases of mneumonics techniques... one for simplified and one for traditional. And almost no one was interested in the traditional characters so only the simplified vocabulary developed, am I right?

Shanghai, CN
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Yes, you are correct. Each language has it's own associated memory tricks and mnemonics. Chinese Traditional and simplified need to be separated because even though pronunciation is the same, someone who studies in Mainland China would get quite confused if traditional characters were suddenly thrown into the mix.

Hopefully the mnemonics under Chinese Traditional will build up over time. If you build a add vocabulary to your study lists and then do flash cards, it is quite convenient to add your own mnemonics. I've done many of these for Chinese Simplified and thinking them up also helps cement the vocabulary in my mind.
Items 1-10/20
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