Useful Memory Trick:
("yue1"- to arrange; appointment; approximately):
When you <go on a date>, you should bring the woman a gift of a spoon(勺) wrapped in silk(纟).
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Forums > Bugs/Comments > Topic: Not Sure vs. Incorrect

Topic: Not Sure vs. Incorrect

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What is the purpose of the not sure button? How does it affect Spaced Repetition compared to marking an answer as incorrect?
Shanghai, CN
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Hi there-
Marking an answer incorrect will knock a word back 3 'boxes'. If you mark it 'unsure', it will be moved back only one 'box'.
If you would like to completely skip a question without having it move boxes, use the arrows (<--Move-->) at the top of the quiz box.
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Great. Thanks.
Is there a way to see which cards are in which 'boxes?'
Shanghai, CN
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Sure, if you click on a word for it's menu, you can see the box under "Score". In addition, clicking on "Score" will reset the word back three boxes. This way even when you are not doing a quiz, maybe just looking up a word that you forgot during class, you are able to make it appear in your quizzes sooner. Click on this multiple times if you completely forgot the word and want it back in the Start box.
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