Study Tips
- Make imaginary pictures, associations and mnemonics for words you are trying to remember. The more outlandish the association, the better the word will anchor into your brain.
- Vary the places you study. This can help you find different associations for words. If you can't remember a word while studying in your house, you might think of another way to memorize it in a cafe.
- Space out your study sessions. Studying many times, each for a short period, is better than studying for one long stretch.
- Slow methodical learning works much better than cramming for tests. An all-nighter may help you pass an exam, but if you want to remember the material long term then more foresight needs to be involved.
- Mix vocabulary review with a lot of testing. Reviewing vocabulary is good, but to improve long term retention, you should take many small quizes.
- Find a good motivation for learning. This will help you get you through the grim detail that is involved in studying any subject.